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Portrait of Magdalena ZdrodowskaAn Assistant Professor at the Institute of Audiovisual Arts, Jagiellonian University, Poland. Her work engages intersections of deafness, technology, film, and media. In her latest book Telephone, cinema, and cyborgs. Mutual relations between technology and deafness (2021, published in Polish) she explores DIY, reuse, and repair practices of the deaf communities, and the cyborgisation of deaf people as a historical process and as an identity choice. Currently, she is exploring the mutual influences of deafness and cinema, and independent deaf filmmaking within the project The Deaf History of Cinema funded by the Polish National Science Center. She is a book review editor for Arts & Cultural Studies Review.

Portrait of Alicja FidowiczPhD, Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Polish Studies (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland). She was the leader of project "Reception of Disability Topic in Children's Literature Among Elementary School Students in Poland" from November 2019 to March 2020 (project had been financed by State Fund of Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities). She also manages project "Polish Correspondence of Zdenka Marković, 1904-1972" (financed by POB Heritage). She is the author of two monographs: "Wiejskie dzieciństwo: Branko Ćopić and Tadeusz Nowak" ("Rural Childhood: Branko Ćopić and Tadeusz Nowak", Kraków 2018) and "Niepełnosprawność w polskiej literaturze XX i XXI wieku dla dzieci i młodzieży" ("Disability in Polish Children's and Young Adult Literature of the 20th and the 21st century", Kraków 2020). Her research interests are disability studies, children's and young adult literature, Polish-Slovenian contacts.


Ph.D., sociologist, affiliated with the Department of Medical Sociology at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków, Poland. Her research interests revolve around critical disability studies, social inequalities, and gender and sexuality studies. She specializes in qualitative methodologies. Her recent book Reprodukcja a reżimy sprawności (2022) [Reproduction and ableism. On motherhood, childlessness, and independent living of women with disabilities in Poland] tackles stratified reproduction, ableism and negotiating and subverting ableist norms by women with disabilities in Poland. She co-authored a book Różnym głosem. Rodziny z wyboru w Polsce (2017) [In different voices. Families of choice in Poland]. Her publications can be found in Global Public Health, Gender, Place & Culture as well as Sexuality Research and Social Policy, among others. She engaged as researcher with the Academic Network of European Disability Experts as well as with the evaluation of the European Disability Strategy 2010-20. She’s active member of social justice movements and works with international human rights organizations.


portrait of Monika Kwaśniewska-Mikuła

Assistant Professor at the Department of Theatre and Drama of the Jagiellonian University. Author of books Od wstrętu do sublimacji. Teatr Krzysztofa Warlikowskiego w świetle teorii Julii Kristevej (2009), Pytanie o wspólnotę. Jerzy Grzegorzewski i Jan Klata (2016) and Między hierarchią a anarchią. Teatr - Instytucja - Krytyka (2019). Co-editor (together with Grzegorz Niziołek) of the book Zła pamięć. Przeciw-historia w polskim teatrze i dramacie (2012) and Teatr brzydkich uczuć (together with Katarzyna Waligóra; 2021). Currently, she is involved in contemporary performative acting, institutional criticism and disability in theatre and performance. ORCID: 0000-0003-1913-4562. 

portrait of Izabela Zawadzka

Theatre researcher and manager of culture, PhD student at the Department of Theatre and Drama of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her academic interest focuses on walking performances and museal performances. Curator of performative events. Researcher of city audiosphere and performative city actions. Author and leader of workshops for diverse age groups (youth, seniors, students) in the field of city sound maps and synesthetic city explorations. Co-author of publications: Theatre of ugly feelings (ed. M. Kwaśniewska, K. Waligóra, Kraków 2021) and Very short lessons, consisted of interviews with actors of Cricot 2 Theatre (Cricoteka, Kraków 2015).